
Why “Do i matter”?

   A good portion of my life I wished I could wear a sign around my neck that asked, “Do I matter to you?” Most of the time I couldn’t tell if I mattered to anyone.  Even when I thought I might, the idea that it probably wasn’t true lurked in the back of my mind. 

   When I became a licensed therapist, I realized I was not alone in asking this question. There is a multitude of us seeking confirmation that we matter in this world. That we have purpose. That we are valuable. That we do matter.

   The result of my doubt about my own value meant I stepped out of life instead of stepping up. Until recently, I ignored that stepping up only means one step at a time. I finally understood that I don’t have to figure everything out, I just needed to figure out one step. And I did. And I took it. You can, too. 

   Talk to a professional who can help you figure out just one step toward change. Listen to someone knowledgeable about relationships who will shed some light on truth vs feelings. Read a book that helps you determine your own first step. Faith became a first step for me when I finally understood and believed how much I matter to God. From there I learned I matter to myself. 

   Do I Matter? You bet I do. So do you. Take a chance. Take a step. A step toward discovering you don’t have to be defined by your past or your own unkind thoughts about yourself. Your past is history. Tomorrow is what you make it—and it starts today.


Susan M thode, lmhc, MHP
